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  • Writer's pictureAshley James

My summer reads

As you all know, I am a huge fan of YA. I can't seem to get enough, but I do like other genres as well. When I don't have a book in my hand, I am listening to one. I drive a lot, so whatever is on my audible, is going in my car. My boys are not fans. They want to listen to music, but they also own their own phones and headphones lol. You see where I am going with this.

Audible has been doing this fun thing called "Audible originals" they give you a list of five books and you get to download 2 of them for free each month. The books aren't long, but I do love a quick read (of listen in this case). Audible also has some short story series that are free as well that I have been taking advantage of. If you don't have audible, now would be a good time to sign up. You also get a free credit each month to purchase books. I always look forward to my credits.

This summer on Audible I have listened to 24 books:

Audible Originals- Treasure Island (full cast dramatization), It's not what it looks like (Molly Burke), The Adventures of Tom Stranger (Larry Correia), Rivals! Frenemies who changed the world (Scott McCormick), Black Crow, White Snow (Michael Livingston), Even Tree Nymphs get the blues (Milly Harper), Mystery of Alice (Lee Bacon).

Audible Short stories- A wedding thin: The One (Shea Serrano, Larami Serrano), Lila: The One (Naima Coster), Parable: The One (Jess Walter), Before Her: The One (Jacqueline Woodson), The Visitor: The One (Dodai Stewart), Yes, And: The One (Kristi Coulter), The Best Girls: Disorder Collection (Min Jin Lee), Loam: Disorder Collection (Scott Heim), The Beckoning Fair One: Disorder Collection (Dan Chaon).

Books on Audible: Thorne of Glass, Crown of Midnight, Heir of Fire, Queen of Shadows (Sarah J. Maas-Still going through the series), #Imomsohard (Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley), Get over your damn self (Romi Neustadt), Renegades, Arch enemies (Marissa Meyer).

Some of these are not very long books, so they are perfect to listen to if you have an hour or so drive. I did not particularly like all of them, but I did listen to them all.

On the book side of things, I have read and currently reading:

Of Beast and Beauty (Chanda Hahn) and Wires and Nerves: Volume 2-Gone Rouge (Marissa Meyer).

I have a few books that are pre-ordered for September and October that I can't wait for. I am a sucker for a series. My favorite books are re-telling's. I love a twisted fairy tale. If you do as well, I suggest reading anything by Marissa Meyer, Chanda Hahn, and Colleen Oaks. These ladies know how to retell.

If you run a side business, then "Get Over Your Damn Self" would be the PERFECT one for you to read. She really breaks down how to run your side hussle and make it work for you. She is funny and has a LOT of good advice, and also points out the areas that you might think you are doing right, but really aren't (hand raised high here).

I really enjoyed the book "It's not what it looks like". Molly Burke is an inspiration to many and I love her story and her drive for life. She is a great motivational speaker and doesn't let anything or anyone slow her down.

The current series I am burning through by Sarah J. Maas has me obsessed. The Throne of Glass series is AMAZING!! Great for both boys and girls. Lots of battles, bloodshed, betrayal, and secrets. It is a page turner (listener). It will have you hooked in the first few pages.

For all the moms out there that really want to laugh, cry, and need someone to relate to, I HIGHLY recommend #imomsohard. These ladies are HILARIOUS and you find yourself agreeing to 99% of what they are going through.

I could sit here and tell you about all the books, but I will let you dive into them yourselves. Happy Reading . . . Or listening. Whatever you prefer.

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