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  • Writer's pictureAshley James

School is back in session!!!

I am one of those parents who looks forward to summers so I can spend some good quality time with my kids. And just like any other parent, I find myself at the beginning of August, hoping that it will fly by fast so my kids can go back to school. That first week they are in school, I start to miss them to much and find myself praying the school year will go by quickly so we can have our summer together.

My oldest has been in school (college) since the beginning of August. My middle son, started the last week of August, and my youngest started Sept. 4th. It's so weird having them all start at different times, but that is how it goes. Sporting events will start soon, so I will have to make time for those, and before we know it, the Holidays are here, and I will be scrambling to set everything up for that.

There are times, as a mom, I think I spread myself to thin, and then I have no clue what is going on. The writing gets pushed back and then forgotten about. I have always tried to keep myself on a schedule, but that always fails. This year I plan on keeping it. If I want to be an author, then writing is my job and I have to treat it as such. I often wonder if other authors struggle with this as well. I do self-publish, so that means I don't really have any deadlines to meet and that gives me the freedom to procrastinate or not write at all, telling (lying to) myself it will get done another day.

This year I have set my deadline for the book I have been writing for almost a year now. Sad, that it's not even half done, and I wanted it to be finished by the end of December. Which is still my goal. I have been doing submissions to agents, hoping that if I do finally get one, I will have a reason to push myself. I don't want to be "that" author though. Taking all this time away from writing, trying to find an agent, just so I have someone to tell me "you need to have this done by a certain time."

Why do we lose our motivation when we are on our own time? I am really struggling with that. It's almost like I am searching for things to take my attention away from writing, but the again, when I am writing and fully into it, I LOVE writing and don't want to stop. Any other authors feel this way as well?

It has only been about 4 days into my new schedule, but I am putting all the creative energy out into the universe to keep me focused and motivated to get this done. Good luck to you fellow authors. May your writing be amazing and your attention be focused on your writing.

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