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  • Writer's pictureAshley James

Summer fun is almost over.

As health issues presented, I had to take a step back from writing for a bit. I am so thankful to be back in the swing of it again. I have missed it so much. I often forget how therapeutic it can really be. With that being said, I have been able to spend some time with my boys, enjoying our summer here in Western Washington. Even though the weather feels more like Spring, we headed East of the mountains to enjoy some much needed sun therapy.

The sun rising up over the hills, kissing the land and warming it with light. Making the water come to life, dancing sequins across its body. Birds waking to the light and singing its praise. Touching our skin and reminding us that we are alive and need to enjoy what this day is about to give us. We rise with smiles on our faces, knowing that today is going to be a fun filled day.

I took my boys camping for 3 nights. I was able to spend 2 of those days with them, bonding and having fun. We went to the lake and swam, sat up and talked, enjoyed nature, and relaxed in our hammocks. On the 3rd day, I had my 20 year class reunion. 9 out of the 11 of us showed up. It was so fun. I loved seeing what everyone had been up to. Facebook doesn't detail everyone's lives, so it was nice to see what has been going on. Laughing and reminiscing about the good ole' days. I loved that my boys got to hear some stories of my elementary/junior high/high school days and to get to meet my friends and their kids.

Nothing beats going back home and being with friends who are family. They remind us of who we once were and how much we have grown. The care free days or no cell phones and social media. The simple times that made us connect in a special way. The kids today are really missing out on those bonds.

I am sad that summer is coming to an end, but this just means that a new season is coming and I get to make more memories.

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