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I took a longer hiatus than I wanted to, but it was much needed. So...Here is what I have been up too. We took our son out of school in...

Something old and something new...

Looking back on what was done with my first book series, I was a bit disappointed in myself. I wanted it to be more, but I wasn't patient...

Secrets of Ullumia: Chapter 9 Excerpt

Terror struck Carthen through his soul. "What is happening? Why is the water rising?" "These should be the least of your worries." Again,...

Secrets of Ullumia: Chapter 5 excerpt

Serene woke up with a pounding headache. "Not again. This is not something I want to get used to. " She didn't understand what was...

Summer reading....

I have read some great books this summer. I like having the extra time to read and get through books I might not be able to during the...

Secrets of Ullumia: Chapter 2

The sea was always a beautiful place. So quiet and calm; begging to be explored. The colors were indescribable; spectral of blues and...

What to name the book???

I am having a hard time thinking of a name for the new book. I thought I was half way done with it, but more ideas have come up. I know...

Battle for Ullumia Release

Finally got it out. Took me longer than expected, had some hang ups with the cover and formatting it for kindle, but it is all done!! I...

How do they do it?!?!

I am really impressed with a lot of authors out there who can have 2-4 books going at one time. That is a big accomplishment. I don't...

New series...

I have been working on the new series. I am so excited about it. I am half way through the first book. I have great ideas for the second...

Cover Reveal!

Here it is!! I absolutely love this cover. The 3 new covers look really good together. I worked hard on this with the help of a friend...

Back at it!

Finally got my life a little more organized and a schedule that fits with homeschooling . Sat down and started writing again last night...

Procrastination at its finest.

I still have not been able to start my new Adventures with an Aspie book. I wish I could say it was from lack of time, but it has just...

What's to come....

Friday is almost here!! I can't wait to share the "surprise" with you all. Today I am also starting another "Adventures with an Aspie"...

A little surprise coming on Friday!!

This is coming along quickly. Just have to get it back from a couple more beta readers and then the final edit will be happening. I have...

Edit #2...DONE!!

Just finished edit #2 on Battle for Ullumia. Got it sent off to the next set of beta readers. This is coming along quickly. I will be...

Editing at its finest....or worst

I was moving along with this edit....Until March Madness happened. The games are making me procrastinate on getting this edit done. I sit...

Book Cover Reveal......

No peeking yet!! I am really excited for my book cover reveal! I have been working hard on it. I got some much needed help and it has...

Edit #2 underway!

Just got my book back from the editor and I am about to go through and do the 2nd edit on it. I am excited to see what notes where left...

Homeschooled: Adventures with an Aspie

Really excited for my son's next adventure to come out this month. The struggles that we have gone through the past few years with school...

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